Author: Patti Maguire Armstrong

The Gift of Aging

Well, it happened.  I did not think it would but it did.  I got old.  You laugh.  Doesn’t everybody, unless they meet their maker early?  Yes, I knew it and you knew it, but be honest, you never really thought it would happen...

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Mary, Our Mother

As a born-again Catholic, or as some like to call it, a “revert,” something new upon “coming home” that had not been a part of my life previously, was a devotion to Mary.  Actually, I believe it was Mary who brought me home,...

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What Goes Around, Comes Around

“Get down from there before  you break your neck!”  Sound familiar?  You heard it growing up and you have probably repeated it to your own children.  There are certain sayings in a parent’s lexicon that seems to have infiltrated...

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Saintly Survival

There’s a bit of a theological disagreement when it comes to heaven.  Some believe we will understand all of life’s mysteries and have all our questions answered there. Others expect we will be basking in the glory of the...

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Pockets of Prayer

You have heard it said that if you are too busy to pray then you are too busy.  But really, how can you fit it all in?    That was once my question until I learned to find pockets of time in my day with which to fill with...

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