Randy Hain
(Travels from Atlanta)
Mr. Randy Hain is President of Serviam Partners (www.serviampartners.com) and is a sought-after executive coach and leadership consultant for business leaders and companies all over the country. He actively serves on a number of non-profit boards in the Atlanta community, especially those connected to autism awareness, developing young leaders and integrating faith and work. He is the Senior Editor for the Integrated Catholic Life™, which he co-founded with Deacon Mike Bickerstaff in 2010.
Randy is a prolific writer and frequent presenter on a number of topics including faith, family, Catholic men’s issues, autism advocacy, fatherhood, faith/work integration, careers, authenticity, leadership and human capital.
Looking for a Catholic Speaker? Check out Randy’s speaker’s page and the rest of the ICL Speaker’s Bureau.
His first book, The Catholic Briefcase: Tools for Integrating Faith and Work, was released in late November, 2011 by Liguori Publications. The book provides practical advice on how to integrate the Catholic faith with our work and offers inspiration through the examples of real Catholics in the workplace. The Catholic Briefcase was voted the Best Catholic Book of 2011 in the About.com Reader’s Choice Awards.
His second book, Along the Way: Lessons for an Authentic Journey of Faith was released by Liguori Publications in November, 2012. Randy’s third book, Something More: The Professional’s Pursuit of a Meaningful Life, was released by Liguori in February, 2013. His fourth book, LANDED! Proven Job Search Strategies for Today’s Professional, from Serviam Press was released in December 2013.
His fifth book, Journey to Heaven: A Road Map for Catholic Men was released by Emmaus Road Publishing on May 12th, 2014. Randy’s sixth book, Joyful Witness: How to Be an Extraordinary Catholic was released by Servant Books in late November 2014.
His latest work is Special Children, Blessed Fathers: Encouragement for Fathers of Children with Special Needs (Foreword by Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia) which was released through Emmaus Road Publishing. His books are available through Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble and local Catholic bookstores.
A convert to the Catholic Faith in 2006, Randy and his wife have been married for over 20 years and have two sons.
EWTN Appearances
Randy Hain on EWTN’s The Journey Home with Marcus Grodi 12/16/11 :
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Randy Hain on EWTN’s At Home with Jim and Joy 1/1/2015 :
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Randy Hain on EWTN’s Bookmark on 3/3/2015 with host Doug Keck discussing his first book, The Catholic Briefcase: Tools for Integrating Faith & Work and his popular fifth book, Journey to Heaven: A Road Map for Catholic Men:
[youtube id =”KbtnFWh3yCs”]
Randy Hain on EWTN’s Bookmark 11/29/2015 with host Doug Keck discussing his books Joyful Witness: How to Be an Extraordinary Catholic and Special Children, Blessed Fathers: Encouragement for Fathers of Children with Special Needs:
[youtube id =”-J0GEdAlnsg”]
Speaking Topics:
- Faith
- Family
- Being a Catholic man in today’s world
- Fatherhood
- Leadership
- Priorities for Catholic men
- Conversion Story: “Out of the Spiritual Wilderness”
- Leading an integrated Catholic life
- Integrating faith and work
- Catholic authenticity
- Setting priorities
- Surrender and ongoing conversion
- Being a joyful Catholic
- Parenting a child with special needs
- Strategies for sharing our Catholic faith in today’s world
- Numerous talks for college students
- Careers
- Authentic business relationships
“It was a pleasure to have Randy Hain speak at our recent Indiana Catholic Men’s Conference. You could tell his message connected with the men at our conference. During his talk you could hear a pin drop and also see everyone in the room was listening attentively and wanted to catch his every word. He had numerous messages that resonated with the men that are often not discussed in our world today. I would recommend Randy and feel he would be excellent to speak to small groups, a parish gathering, as well as a large conference. His books are also worth praising; insightful and refreshing for life in general or your spiritual journey.”
– Mike Fox, Director – Indiana Catholic Men’s Conference
“Businessman and author Randy Hain transforms his life by saying ‘yes’ to God.” Read about Randy Hain’s inspiring talk at the 2015 Indiana Catholic Men’s Conference in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis Criterion Newspaper
“Randy Hain spoke from his heart to mine (at the 2015 Archdiocese of Atlanta Parent’s Conference). The connection we had was loud and clear. When he cried, I cried. Randy’s transformation was truly one of divine intervention. His testimony of hope, faith and unconditional love, for his family and our Lord, defined the act of letting go and letting God.”
-Scott Bryan Sowers, Member of the Atlanta Archdiocese Disabilities Ministry Advisory Council – Family Support and Ad Hoc Committee, Stewardship Committee member and Special Needs Committee Co-Chair at St. John Neumann Church in Lilburn, Ga.
“Randy Hain is a great speaker for groups of a Catholic men. His personal testimony is very relatable and he understands the struggles of men in modern society. Topics from his books ‘Journey to Heaven, A Road Map for Catholic Men’ and ‘Catholic Briefcase, Tools for Integrating Faith and Work’, were just what we wanted.”
– Rick Riggs, Co-Chairman – Catholic Men’s Conference of Wichita 2015
“The Catholic Church of St. Monica launched a new evangelization program in September 2014 called ABLAZE. By God’s grace, we have had over 200 weekly attendees since our program launch. To generate continued interest in the program and to draw new attendees from the parish, we invited Randy Hain to be our key note speaker. Randy gave a heart-felt talk about how Catholics needs to feed their faith so they can be effective disciples. In a brotherly way, Randy explained five things Catholics can do to make a difference in the world. His talk addressed current events that are likely the focus of many dinner and water cooler conversations. He challenged our parish audience to engage in more frequent prayer, and he generated engaging table discussions when he asked to consider if and how we make Christ and His church look attractive and inviting.
I have had the pleasure and privilege of hearing Randy Hain speak before. His contribution to our ABLAZE program impressed me more than any other talk I have heard him give. Randy possesses a quiet passion that enables him to be incredibly relatable and relevant. His tone and humility carry his message so successfully, that every person who attended left with at least one quote or suggestion to carry with them. God has given Randy Hain wonderful gifts, and I am so very grateful that he agreed to share those gifts with our parish. He is, by far, one of our nation’s greatest Catholic speakers; and I would gladly recommend him to anyone, for any event and for groups both small and very large.”
– Paige Barry, Speaker Coordinator and Co-Leader for Faith ABLAZE
*** Here is a link to the presentation on YouTube: http://youtu.be/FMA2CW6apjQ
“Randy Hain spoke to our Legatus Chapter. He is a talented, soft-spoken man who spoke to us of his personal journey of faith, without notes, and with tidbits of humor. All of our members were totally engaged. Randy is a true witness to faith and family. Any group that enjoys listening to an honest open-heart should invite Randy to speak.”
– Maureen Manza (Wilmington Legatus Chapter – Program Co-coordinator)
“I have known Randy Hain for over a year now, but have not had the opportunity to sit in on one of his presentations until recently. Last week, Randy spoke to the Birmingham Chapter of Legatus, and I now understand why he has such high recommendations! His inspiring testimony and approach to Integrating the Catholic faith into the workplace is excellent. Randy certainly has a way of connecting with his audience and providing them with practical applications they can easily implement in their professional and personal lives. Our group thoroughly enjoyed his presentation, and I would recommend Randy to any organization looking to grow in their faith in a very simple, yet effective way.”
– Brian Beckham, South Regional Director, Legatus
“Randy Hain was a thought provoking and inspirational speaker. Our Legatus Chapter was captivated by his conversion story and how he has subsequently put his new found faith into action. Many people will incorporate their faith life into their work and family life after listening to Randy!”
– Nancy McDevitt, Providence Legatus Chapter Coordinator.
“I think Randy Hain is among the best speakers we have had at Legatus. We get a lot of conversion stories and they all seem the same after a while. Not Randy. He had relatable stories and very useful insights. The most impactful element of Randy’s presentation was the identification of obstacles with actionable ideas on overcoming those obstacles to integrating our faith into our family and work lives. I would strongly recommend Randy Hain as a speaker for any group interested in topics of faith, family, work and living lives of purpose.”
– Ed Gray, Program Chair for Legatus Fort Worth
“Randy’s talk was so very pertinent to our lives. He offers practical information to practice your faith wherever you are, whether it be in private, with family or in the workplace. As a convert to the Catholic Church he appreciates deeply what sometimes we cradle Catholics seem to take for granted. A truly inspiring and uplifting talk! Legatus, New Orleans – both north and south shores left the meetings feeling quite blessed to have received his message of faith.”
– Mimi Kelly, Legatus of New Orleans Chapter Coordinator
“Randy, gave a very practical and motivational talk to a group of 30 Catholic men on living an integrated life. He challenged us to live a life authentically for Christ, where we act in the same manner whether we are with friends, coworkers, or our families. Men need to hear this message, and thankfully we have leaders like Randy who can deliver!”
– Jeff Showalter, leader of the Atlanta Catholic Fatherhood Forum
Randy Hain was a stand-out at this year’s 2013 Catholic Writers’ Guild’s conference, speaking with a clarity and precision that really drove the message home: Live a faithful Catholic life; reach out and connect with others who share your mission; and always, always pay it forward and lift up their efforts, too.”
– Lisa Mladinich, founder of AmazingCatechists.com and author of the “Be an Amazing Catechist” series from Our Sunday Visitor
“We invited Randy to speak at our Spiritual Life Dad’s Prayer Breakfast and he did an incredible job not only sharing his personal faith journey, but providing some real life actionable steps we all can take to become better fathers, husbands and Men of Faith. His talk was inspirational and reminded us what a true gift we have in our Catholic Faith.”
– Brian Dooling, Coordinator – Holy Redeemer 2013 Dad’s Prayer Breakfast
“Randy Hain spoke to our Legatus chapter, having been specifically chosen as our keynote speaker as we entered a new year. He didn’t disappoint. His presentation was humbly delivered as he told his story of conversion and of his journey of faith. The points he made and examples provided are relevant to the daily lives of Catholics who strive to live in service to Christ. I was touched of his commitment to his family and his faith. He works hard to create balance in his life with his faith at the center and it was helpful to hear how he manages his successful business career, ministry and writing. These are the elements of an integrated Catholic life and important lessons for those of us operating in a busy world with often unreasonable demands on our time. Randy is both an inspiring writer and engaging speaker. He was hugely well received by our group and we are thankful to have had the opportunity to hear his presentation. His words speak to an inner call to holiness and encourage people to rediscover the glory of the Church through personal prayer, engaging in the sacramental life and the Eucharist.”
– Randy Hammond, Program Chair, Legatus Denver Chapter
“Your speech on living an integrated catholic life was fantastic. Your story of faith conversion and its impact on your life as a Catholic husband, father, businessman and community leader was truly inspiring. Your simple three point plan to help us all take the steps necessary to prioritize our day to integrate prayer and God into our daily life really resonated with the audience. We have all been called and I am incredibly grateful that you have answered His call and have chosen to help us all see how to integrate our faith into all aspects of our lives.”
– Patrick McCarthy, 2013 President – Legatus, Denver Chapter
“As a recent speaker at our Lexington Legatus evening, Randy Hain connected with the group in a manner that few other speakers have. Starting with his story of conversion to the Church, Randy delivered his message with a very human authenticity, in a manner that resonated with truth and emotion for the group. Having the full attention of his audience, he then delivered his core message of the evening – living an integrated Catholic life. He spoke very directly and to the point about integrating our Catholic faith into the very fabric of our lives. His key points challenged us in a basic and genuine way to live our Catholicity 24/7. Whether at work or at home, in business or in leisure, with friends or with family, we are called to be a disciple of Christ for others, to let our lives be a witness to our faith. Randy presented key points as to how to make this integration happen, ultimately leading to more fulfilling lives of holiness. His message hit home with many in the group, inspiring us to take up his challenge.”
– Gary Rudemiller, Coordinator of the Lexington, KY Legatus Chapter
“Randy Hain is a living example of how to live and lead an integrated Catholic life! Not only did he share his personal story with us, but he also provided concrete steps to live out our faith on a daily basis, both at work and at home, each and every day! Randy’s message is clear and concise, and a refreshing theme for our Year of Faith! You CAN lead an integrated Catholic life!”
– The Most Reverend Michael Sheridan, Bishop of the Diocese of Colorado Springs, CO
“God bless Randy Hain for his powerful message of “Living An Integrated Catholic Life” that he delivered at the 2012 Rocky Mountain Catholic Men’s Conference. He passionately challenged men to take control of their lives by fully surrendering them to Christ and to not leave one’s faith in the church. If we spend one third of our waking life in the workplace, we have to be able to bring our faith into that arena, and Randy gave us the tools to witness in joyful, simple ways. His talk was a call to true leadership as a Catholic husband, spouse and father that is so urgent in this aggressively secular western culture that aims to destroy the definition of the family and the role of the husband and father. Bringing Randy to your parish or event would be a great service to your community.”
– Bill Howard, Editor – The Colorado Catholic Herald, Colorado Springs, CO
“We had requests from many adults in our parish for an opportunity to learn more about how to practice their Catholic faith in the workplace. Randy came to our parish to address that issue with his presentation “From the Spiritual Wilderness to the Integrated Catholic Life.” His message was clear, direct, practical, and inspiring. The questions and comments from the audience showed that his words resonated deeply with those attending. After the talk, Randy graciously stayed around to spend time with those who wanted to approach him privately with other questions and concerns. Since that evening, I’ve heard nothing but great things from those who had the privilege of hearing Randy speak.”
– Dr. Paul Thigpen, Director of Adult Faith Formation, St. Brendan Catholic Church, Cumming, GA
“When we consider potential speakers for our monthly events we look for someone who is knowledgeable, engaging and authentic. It is most beneficial to have a guest speaker who relates well to the audience and speaks from experience-both of challenges faced and lessons learned. Randy Hain is such a speaker. Not depending on a gimmicky style with little real “meat”, Randy rather connects with personal and believable content that resonates with those he addresses.”
– Dan Spencer, President -National Fellowship of Catholic Men and Co-Founder Catholic Business Network of Kansas City
“I cannot recommend highly enough bringing Randy Hain to speak at your event. His ability to connect with your audience, experience and originality is hard to find in today’s speaker market. We brought Randy in to speak to our students and they were engaged throughout his whole presentation. He spoke on authenticity and it was exactly what our students needed to hear during their Orientation to our college. Randy could speak on this topic because he has wrestled with it and is living a truly authentic life. This will be clear when you hear him speak and you hear his story. Randy is very practical but gives you the bigger picture at the same time; he does not miss the forest for the trees. I cannot wait to invite Randy again to our campus to work with our students.”
– Tom MacAlester, Director of Student Activities-Belmont Abbey College
“Strong Men Strong Faith is a Catholic men’s organization in Northern Alabama that provides conferences for men of all faiths to sustain them on their faith journey. Our intent is show men through witness speakers that one can be a man and live a faith filled life. Randy was the perfect speaker for our movement; he told a real story of his life, how God changed him and offered our men practical ways to change our ways and to live the way our Savior would want us to live. He was just outstanding and the joy I saw on the faces of our attendees after Randy’s talk was a close moment for me. Randy has our unqualified recommendation.”
– E. Paul Semmens, Executive Coordinator-Strong Men Strong Faith, Northern Alabama
“Randy’s address at our International Catholic Stewardship Council regional workshop received extraordinary praise and affirming feedback. The attendees were humbled by Randy’s candor in revealing his conversion to the Catholic Church and also motivated by the pragmatic tools he presented to prioritize and integrate our faith into our personal and professional lives. He illustrated for the group that living a Christ-centered life brings balance to faith, family and work.”
– Sarah O. Hanley, Director of Stewardship for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
“We were privileged to have Randy Hain here at St. James the Apostle to kick off our “Major Speaker Series” this past spring. So many of my parishioners approached me afterward and spoke very highly of his presentation—a presentation which provided insightful ways to help Catholics integrate their faith into every facet of their lives. Randy practices the very techniques he preaches and his sincerity about the importance of a well-developed spiritual life will lead a person to authentic “success!”
– Fr. James Flanagan, Pastor of St. James the Apostle Catholic Church in McDonough, GA
“Randy Hain’s presentation provided our Men’s Faith Builders’ gathering with practical suggestions for living a faithful, Christian life as men both in the workplace and in our personal lives. His words were not only challenging but encouraging to us in our roles as husbands, fathers, employers, employees, neighbors and friends.”
– Gary Samaha, Leader of Men’s Faith Builders group at Transfiguration Catholic Church, Marietta, Georgia
“Randy Hain’s presentation to Catholics at Work of Orange County on the subject of integrating one’s life of faith and work is one of the best received talks we have ever had. Expert on the issue, Randy’s personal delivery style rang true with our audience. Engaging, sincere, and motivational, I would highly recommend Randy as a speaker, a writer, an advocate and most importantly a leader in the effort to build an integrated Catholic life.”
– Mark McElrath, President of Catholics at Work, Orange County, California
“Randy’s address to our parish Men’s Club about a balanced Catholic life was powerful and timely. He provides a framework for helping men reach a fuller expression of the faith through work and family life.”
– Patrick Ungashick, President of Holy Spirit Men’s Club, Atlanta, Georgia
“Randy Hain spoke at Christ the King about his book, The Catholic Briefcase: Tools for Integrating Faith and Work… Randy gave practical tips to help even the most reticent of evangelists share his or her faith in the marketplace without being obnoxious… If you are ready to integrate your faith into your life beyond Sunday mass or private prayer, Randy’s talk and book will help you.”
– Bernadette Flowers, Stewardship Director for Time and Talent at Christ the King Cathedral, Atlanta, Georgia
“Randy has a gift of taking theology and theory and putting them into the nuts and bolts of living everyday life. His gift is providing practical applications of living the faith in our business life. I enjoyed Randy’s story. It was from the heart and rang true in parallels to my own life.”
– Warren L. Dazzio, Legatus Director for Midwest and South
“We were fortunate to have Randy speak to our Fathers and Faith group at St. Judes. He was engaging, candid, and delivered a very practical and useful road map on how we can integrate our faith and work. He shared his powerful conversion journey and he is able to offer additional inspiration through real life examples by utilizing his vast business network community. I would highly recommend Randy to your organization.”
– Daniel Navarro, Leader of Fathers and Faith Group of St. Jude’s parish, Atlanta, GA
“Randy Hain is an extraordinary individual, and his appearance on EWTN’s “The Journey Home” television show was a standout. In this appearance, Randy demonstrated the humble and insightful approach that gives his public appearances their positive impact. I highly recommend Randy and am grateful for his ability to speak with both wisdom and clarity!”
– Kevin Lowry, Chief Operating Officer of The Coming Home Network
“We received great feedback regarding your presentation to the St Jude Men’s Club in April. The story of your Faith Journey is breathtaking, and your message of living your faith in the workplace was very relevant and impactful to all of the men in our group. I especially like the fact that you are able to take a challenging topic and break it down into various real-world experiences that make it simple, practical and less intimidating. As always, we appreciate your support of St Jude, and look forward to having you back soon!”
– Greg Long, President of St. Jude’s Men’s Club, Atlanta, Georgia