Dr. Scott Hahn—Heart and Mouth

by Dr. Scott Hahn | March 2, 2025 1:00 am

“Paul reminds us that God will destroy death forever, and if we are to share in this victory and live forever with the Lord, then we must take all steps necessary to give our hearts and lips to what is good.”

This Sunday Reflection appears here with the kind permission of the author. Visit Dr. Hahn’s website at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology[7].

  1. Sirach 27:4–7: https://ref.ly/Sirach%2027.4%E2%80%937;rsvce?t=biblia
  2. Psalm 92:2–3: https://ref.ly/Ps%2092.2%E2%80%933;rsvce?t=biblia
  3. 13–16: https://ref.ly/Psalm%2092.13%E2%80%9316;rsvce?t=biblia
  4. 1 Corinthians 15:54–58: https://ref.ly/1%20Cor%2015.54%E2%80%9358;rsvce?t=biblia
  5. Luke 6:39–45: https://ref.ly/Luke%206.39%E2%80%9345;rsvce?t=biblia
  6. Matthew 12:37: https://ref.ly/Matt%2012.37;rsvce?t=biblia
  7. St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology: https://stpaulcenter.com/
  8. Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-road-to-emmaus-with-scott-hahn/id1461247838
  9. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2yIYvvTs0MctfZasNYy4gK?si=6g3F9D_aSsuxyU86ZqXyHA
  10. Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=393123

Source URL: https://integratedcatholiclife.org/2025/03/dr-scott-hahn-heart-and-mouth-2/