by Joannie Watson | February 7, 2025 1:00 am
“The tongue can be a powerful instrument or a serious stumbling block in our quest for holiness.”
I am in the middle of a sickness I cannot shake. Honestly, it would not bother me much aside from the fact that I lost my voice.
I’ve written here about this predicament before, because it’s far from the first time I have experienced it. I damaged my vocal cords about fifteen years ago, so it doesn’t take much for me to lose my voice. This particular time, however, it has lasted a long time. And it has fallen in the middle of a time that was supposed to be full of interviews, podcasts, and television appearances for my new book, Opening the Holy Door[1].
Instead, I’ve had to cancel and reschedule almost everything, trying to protect what little voice I have.
It is frustrating because I am not in control. It is humbling because I have to admit that I can’t do anything I had committed to do. And it is annoying because I can’t have fun with friends. (For a girl who loves to talk, going on full vocal rest means becoming hermit. If I’m with someone, I talk to them.)
Like many frustrating experiences, it has taught me a lot. It has taught me – or rather, reminded me – that I like to be in control and get frustrated when I am not. It reminded me of the beauty of slowing down and resting. And it taught me the value of a word.
I struggle with stopping to think before I speak. Suddenly, my thoughts can’t come tumbling out of my mouth. Rather than regretting my rash speech or trying to bite my tongue before sharing my (probably unwanted) opinion, all these things are just staying inside my head – where they are a lot less dangerous and easier to fight.
Forced to ration my speech, I have to think carefully about what I want to say. Is it worth saying? I find myself weighing that constantly. Is my opinion at this moment really worth the strength and strain on my vocal cords? Should I share my thoughts on this situation? Is what I am about to say edifying and constructive?
Is it worth saying?
Perhaps you struggle with the exact opposite – not speaking up when you should, not sharing your insights with those around you. You also should be weighing the question: is it worth saying? Because it might be–and you shouldn’t neglect sharing it or saying it.
I’m constantly reminded of the warning of St. James, who compares the tongue to the bit of a bridle, a rudder of a ship, and a fire. The tongue is small but powerful. “If we put bits into the mouths of horses that they may obey us, we guide their whole bodies. Look at the ships also; though they are so great and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So the tongue is a little member and boasts of great things” (James 3:3-5)
James also points out that we use the tongue to both curse and bless. We use the tongue for criticism and gossip, and for prayer and praise. Do I use my tongue one minute in Mass and the next to gossip at coffee and donuts? Do I use my tongue one minute to praise God and the next to criticize my neighbor?
“With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brethren, this ought not to be so.” (James 3:9-10)
The tongue is a “little member,” but can do great damage. It can also do wonderful things. We are fickle human beings, and our tongue can be an instrument for such good… and such harm. It can be a powerful instrument or a serious stumbling block in our quest for holiness.
In our current era, with digital and social communication, we must expand James’ meditation on the tongue beyond the physical, bodily definition of tongue, vocal cords, and sound. What he says about the tongue can easily be applied not just to my voice and speech, but also to the words I write and type. Does the message I communicate – whether sounds from my mouth or words on a screen – lead myself and others to holiness? Are they worth typing?
Lord, give me the strength, wisdom, and right judgment to speak words that edify, heal, and teach; words that help build up your kingdom and not tear it down; words that bring peace and truth and not falsehoods and corruption. Lord, before I speak (or type), may I stop to ask: is it worth saying?
Image credit: Photo by Priscilla Du Preez[2] on Unsplash[3]
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