Catholic Poetry Room
This week’s poem in the Catholic Poetry Room is by Glenn Wright.


For even the hairs of your head have all been numbered.” – Matthew 10:30

Ponder with me the infinitude of God,
Who sings each moment of life into existence—
ubiquity, omnipotence, omniscience,
revealed in Gospel and Upanishad.

He fathoms me completely; His embrace
could crush me to a singularity.
I am a seed that in eternity
will fill the ten dimensions of time and space.

He grasps me inside out, yet lets me choose
to love Him back or else to turn away;
to live with Him in heaven’s endless day,
or in my night, alone, if I refuse.

Every star in every galaxy
burns with the boundless love of God for me.

Glenn Wright is a retired teacher and lifelong Catholic living in Anchorage, Alaska, with his wife Dorothy and their dog Bethany. He writes poetry to help clarify his thoughts, to keep from punching holes in his drywall, and to offer praise and gratitude to God. His work has recently appeared in Rumen, Muse, Amethyst Review, Literary Hatchet, and other journals.

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