Dr. Scott Hahn—What do we do?

by Dr. Scott Hahn | December 14, 2024 1:00 am

Mary is the Daughter Zion—the favored one of God, told not to fear but to rejoice that the Lord is with her, “a mighty Savior.” She is the cause of our joy. For in her draws near the Messiah, as John had promised: “One mightier than I is coming.”

This Sunday Reflection appears here with the kind permission of the author. Visit Dr. Hahn’s website at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology[15].

The Road to Emmaus with Scott Hahn presents the deeply biblical roots of Catholic teaching and practice. Discover how Sacred Scripture forms and informs our notions of morality and spirituality, liturgy and the sacraments, and so much more.

Subscribe to The Road to Emmaus at Apple Podcasts[16], Spotify[17], Stitcher[18], or wherever you listen to podcasts.

  1. Zephaniah 3:14–18: https://ref.ly/Zeph%203.14%E2%80%9318;rsvce?t=biblia
  2. Isaiah 12:2–6: https://ref.ly/Isa%2012.2%E2%80%936;rsvce?t=biblia
  3. Philippians 4:4–7: https://ref.ly/Phil%204.4%E2%80%937;rsvce?t=biblia
  4. Luke 3:10–18: https://ref.ly/Luke%203.10%E2%80%9318;rsvce?t=biblia
  5. Luke 3:3: https://ref.ly/Luke%203.3;rsvce?t=biblia
  6. 5:32: https://ref.ly/Luke%205.32;rsvce?t=biblia
  7. 24:47: https://ref.ly/Luke%2024.47;rsvce?t=biblia
  8. Ezekiel 3:19: https://ref.ly/Ezek%203.19;rsvce?t=biblia
  9. 18:30: https://ref.ly/Ezekiel%2018.30;rsvce?t=biblia
  10. Sirach 17:20–21: https://ref.ly/Sirach%2017.20%E2%80%9321;rsvce?t=biblia
  11. Hosea 6:1: https://ref.ly/Hos%206.1;rsvce?t=biblia
  12. Luke 3:8: https://ref.ly/Luke%203.8;rsvce?t=biblia
  13. Luke 3:7–9: https://ref.ly/Luke%203.7%E2%80%939;rsvce?t=biblia
  14. Luke 1:28–31: https://ref.ly/Luke%201.28%E2%80%9331;rsvce?t=biblia
  15. St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology: https://stpaulcenter.com/
  16. Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-road-to-emmaus-with-scott-hahn/id1461247838
  17. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2yIYvvTs0MctfZasNYy4gK?si=6g3F9D_aSsuxyU86ZqXyHA
  18. Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=393123

Source URL: https://integratedcatholiclife.org/2024/12/dr-scott-hahn-what-do-we-do-2/