by Carmelite Sisters | November 4, 2024 12:05 am
“Even a tiny flame can lift the heavy lid of night.” Pope Saint John Paul II
You may have heard these words of our Holy Father, Pope St. John Paul II. It so vividly captures layers of meaning. It applies to your life, to my life, the life of our families and friends, the life of our city, our state, our nation, our world, the life of our Church and of all mankind past, present and future. A tiny flame can lift the heavy lid of night.
For fellow fans of the Lord of the Rings, remember the scene when Frodo (and later, Sam) is being hunted down by Shelob in her lairs and starting to despair? He holds up the light of Elendil and you can see the darkness start to weaken. Shelob herself is afraid of the light. Frodo is renewed in courage and strength and the will to fight on.
Light in the darkness. A tiny flame. That’s all that’s needed. Do the good that’s at hand. Choose to live your life watching out for the person next to you, by lifting up another with kindness. Show up for someone whom you know is alone. Listen with your heart, really listen, especially to those who think differently than you. When encountering suffering around you, look with the eyes of compassion and do what you can to relieve it. Give of yourself, especially when you don’t feel like it. Let go of your preferences for the good of another. Reach out especially to those who are in need. Choose to see, really see, the people in your life instead of taking them for granted. See your struggles as opportunities that are life lessons that you can pass on to others. Live with a spirit of gratitude for all of God’s blessings.
You never know how God will use you. Your intentional movement in love and goodness in the little things, impacts the people around you. It makes a difference. It’s imperceptible at times, but it’s happening. A tiny flame lifts the heavy lid of night. You may not ever see the fruits in its fullness but somehow it is impacting the entire world. It’s how God works. That’s the supernatural. He takes our natural efforts and moves it into His realm. Somehow, we are all co-laborers with the Lord in His vineyard, and in the end, we know the battle is won.
Remember how Sam carried Frodo up Mt. Doom when Frodo had nothing left to give? That visual of Sam carrying Frodo is the resolve that we must feel in our hearts for our brothers and sisters who are struggling with darkness in their own souls and in our battle with darkness within our world. We cannot not light every tiny flame available to us.
Even a tiny flame can light up the night. He asks us to do our part.
By Sister Mary Scholastica, OCD
This article appears here with the kind permission of the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles. To learn more about their community and work, read their biography below and visit their website[1].
Photograph by Nicvandum | Shutterstock
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