Daily Catholic Quote — Pope Benedict XVI

by ICL Editor | January 26, 2023 12:02 am

A Daily Quote to Inspire Your Catholic Faith

Having spoken at length on the great Apostle Paul, today let us look at his two closest collaborators: Timothy and Titus. Three Letters traditionally attributed to Paul are addressed to them, two to Timothy and one to Titus.

Timothy is a Greek name which means “one who honours God”. Whereas Luke mentions him six times in the Acts, Paul in his Letters refers to him at least 17 times (and his name occurs once in the Letter to the Hebrews).

One may deduce from this that Paul held him in high esteem, even if Luke did not consider it worth telling us all about him. Indeed, the Apostle entrusted Timothy with important missions and saw him almost as an alter ego, as is evident from his great praise of him in his Letter to the Philippians. “I have no one like him (isópsychon) who will be genuinely anxious for your welfare” (2: 20)…

–Pope Benedict XVI (1927-2022), General Audience, Wednesday, 13 December 2006

Editorial Credit: Pope Benedict XVI | Philip Chidell[1] via Shutterstock

  1. Philip Chidell: https://www.shutterstock.com/g/Philip+Chidell

Source URL: https://integratedcatholiclife.org/2023/01/daily-catholic-quote-pope-benedict-xvi-24/