by Jeffrey Essmann | November 23, 2022 1:00 am
This week’s poem in the Catholic Poetry Room is by Maria Grace De Lallo.
Do you think of those late autumn days,
When the world was dust and faded gold,
And you, in sunlight, outside your door,
The sun of heaven, warm on your face,
The Son of God growing strong within,
The dancing of new life, beneath your hand?
Those days when Light and Life lie hidden,
And you, waxing round as a harvest moon,
Showed His glory, as a lesser light
Against the dark and broken world;
Waiting with patient, expectant joy
For the fullness of time to come on you,
Before the manger, before the star,
Before the angels and Magi came,
Before the heaven-bright fall of snow,
When the Long-Expected was hidden still,
Growing to fullness, beneath your hand,
And all the world cried out for Christ?
Maria Grace De Lallo is fascinated by words, and has been turning them into poems for
as long as she can remember. She lives in a little cabin, which she calls The Hobbit
Hole, plays bagpipes, keeps swords in her umbrella stand, and enjoys peated whisky.
Her poems have appeared in various publications, including the Catholic Poetry Room, Ever Eden, and Reliquiae.
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