by Deacon Michael Bickerstaff | November 28, 2022 12:05 am
An Advent Reflection on the Scripture Readings at Mass[1]…
“But the centurion answered him, ‘Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof; but only say the word, and my servant will be healed.’” (Matthew 8:8)
Another Advent Season has begun and we must be sure we know who and where we are.
Before we can journey anywhere, we need to know at least three things: where we are, where we are called to go, and the road we should follow. For the journey of life and faith, it is also important to know three more things: who we are, who we are meant to be, and who God is.
The centurion’s servant was gravely ill; so with faith and humility, born of practical experience and, I suspect, a gift of wisdom from God, this Roman officer approached Jesus in humility and hopeful trust and confidence.
This is what the Lord wants of each us as we begin again—a trustful surrender in faith and humility to Him.
Come Lord Jesus.
Image credit: “Jesus Heals the Centurion’s Servant” (detail) by Paolo Veronese [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons[2]
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