Overcoming Obstacles in the New Year

by Randy Hain | January 20, 2022 1:04 am

Image: Shutterstock

I will…make a resolution to stay focused on the only things that truly matter: being closer to Christ and obedient to His will.

New Year’s Resolutions?

As I considered what to write for today’s post, I reflected on years of well-intended resolutions. Things like to lose weight, go to daily Mass, pick up a new hobby, play more tennis, etc. They often ended in failure as my desires clashed with the reality of my busy schedule and stubborn resistance to change. I like goals, but I have decided to keep my resolutions more realistic this year. I have also decided to focus on simplicity and clarity. To that end, nothing is more important (or clearer) than getting closer to Christ as I grow in my spiritual life. 

Many of my challenges are self-imposed, and I am often my own worst enemy. I struggle to say “no” to those seeking my help. My hectic schedule often shoves my prayer life to the side. I am typically more focused on action than thoughtful reflection. A recent conversation with one of our parish priests during Reconciliation and prayer time during Eucharistic Adoration have helped me realize that many of my issues stem primarily from pride and a lack of peace. These lead to a number of significant obstacles between me and Christ. 

Before I share some of the common obstacles between me (us) and Christ, let’s consider what we know for certain. We have a goal (to get to heaven and to avoid hell), a road map (Scripture and Tradition), examples to follow (the saints, particularly St. Joseph), leadership (the Pope, bishops, priests, and deacons), clear teaching authority (the Magisterium of the Church), help along the way (the sacraments) and divine guidance (the Holy Spirit). It is clear that we have been well-equipped and have the tools and resources we need. But are we willing to make the necessary changes?

Obstacles . . . and Actions to Overcome Them

Stay focused on what matters

Giving ourselves to Him, letting our old selves go and placing Him first will change everything. We will receive His grace, guidance, and love, which in turn will positively affect our relationships with our spouses, children, friends, and co-workers. Our faith journeys will catch fire as we begin to appreciate the truth and beauty of our Catholic faith. We will appreciate the Mass more as we more fully understand the gift of receiving the True Presence of Christ and we are joined in intimate union with Him. We will be perceived differently as people begin to see Christ at work in us. 

Or we can continue to stubbornly go it alone and keep ourselves distanced from Him. 

Jesus Christ died on the Cross for us. He redeemed our sins. He loves us unconditionally. The only way to heaven is through Him. What does He want in return? He simply asks for ALL of us—mind, body, and soul. He wants us to place Him first in our lives, before family, friends, work—everything

So, as much as I need to lose some weight, paint my house, pay off debt and attain a dozen other important goals, I will only commit to try and do my best. I will, however, make a resolution to stay focused on the only things that truly matter: being closer to Christ and obedient to His will. I know that every good thing He wants for me will flow from my obedience and love for Him. 

Happy New Year and I pray our Lord will richly bless you in the days ahead.

Source URL: https://integratedcatholiclife.org/2022/01/overcoming-obstacles-in-the-new-year/