The Clarity of Simon Peter’s Example

by Randy Hain | February 11, 2021 12:04 am

Sea of Galilee[1]

Sea of Galilee

And when he had ceased speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch” (Luke 5:4).

Not long ago, one of our priests gave an excellent homily based on chapter five of Luke’s Gospel[2] and the Call of Simon the Fisherman (before he became St. Peter). Although Father Steve never described Simon with business language, I reflected a long time on how Simon was indeed a small business owner, a leader of others and how I related to him in this way. There are a number of powerful lessons in this short Gospel passage for those looking to integrate our faith and work. Here are five that captured my attention:

I have always found great comfort in reading about the life of the man who became St. Peter, our first pope. He made many mistakes, denied Christ, acknowledged his faults and was…forgiven. Despite all of St. Peter’s shortcomings, the Lord saw in him a man who would become the bedrock of our Church and never tired of helping him live up to this expectation. It gives me hope that I am not beyond redemption and that He is also willing to work through me and everyone else who is willing to put our pride aside, surrender and say yes to His will.

As Catholic business people, we should recognize that the mission of the lay faithful forces us to consider the workplace as fertile ground in which we can do God’s work. As we know from numerous Scripture passages and clear Church teaching, we are all called to lead lives of holiness and to be witnesses for Christ. Therefore, our actions in the workplace where we spend so much of our adult lives necessarily become a critical component of responding to that call.

I encourage all of us to read more about St. Peter this upcoming Lenten season. Let us find comfort in the failings of this saint as well as his greatness in embracing the mission given to him by Christ. I pray we all find such courage and clarity in our own lives and find ways to live out our Catholic faith more fully at work, at home and in the public square.

Editor’s Note:  Would you like to learn more about “regular Catholic heroes” and the joyful witness they give for Christ and the Catholic faith?  Randy Hain’s exciting sixth book, Joyful Witness: How to Be an Extraordinary Catholic (Servant Books) is available through Amazon and all Catholic bookstores.  Also check out his first book, The Catholic Briefcase: Tools for Integrating Faith and Work[3] and all of his other books through Amazon[4].

  1. [Image]:
  2. Luke’s Gospel:
  3. The Catholic Briefcase: Tools for Integrating Faith and Work:
  4. Amazon:

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