by Dr. Scott Hahn | January 11, 2020 12:04 am
Dr. Scott Hahn reflects on the Mass readings for The Baptism of the Lord (Year A):
Isaiah 42:1–4[2], 6–7[3]
Psalm 29:1–4[4], 9–10[5]
Acts 10:34–38[6]
Matthew 3:13–17[7]
Jesus presents himself for baptism in today’s Gospel not because He is a sinner, but to fulfill the word of God proclaimed by His prophets. He must be baptized to reveal that He is the Christ (“anointed one”)—the Spirit-endowed Servant promised by Isaiah in today’s First Reading.
His baptism marks the start of a new world, a new creation. As Isaiah prophesied, the Spirit descends upon Jesus like a dove—as the Spirit hovered over the face of the deep in the beginning (see Genesis 1:2[8]).
As it was in the beginning, at the Jordan also the majestic voice of the Lord thunders above the waters. The Father opens the heavens and declares Jesus to be His “beloved son.”
God had long prepared the Israelites for His coming, as Peter preaches in today’s Second Reading. Jesus was anticipated in the “beloved son” given to Abraham (see Genesis 22:2[9], 12[10], 26[11]), and in the calling of Israel as His “first-born son” (see Exodus 4:22–23[12]). Jesus is the divine son begotten by God, the everlasting heir promised to King David (see Psalm 2:7[13]; 2 Samuel 7:14[14]).
He is “a covenant of the people [Israel]” and “a light to the nations,” Isaiah says. By the new covenant made in His blood (see 1 Corinthians 11:25[15]), God has gathered the lost sheep of Israel together with whoever fears Him in every nation.
Christ has become the source from which God pours out His Spirit on Israelites and Gentiles alike (see Acts 10:45[16]). In Baptism, all are anointed with that same Spirit, made beloved sons and daughters of God. Indeed, we are Christians—literally “anointed ones.”
We are the “sons of God” in today’s Psalm—called to give glory to His name in His temple. Let us pray that we remain faithful to our calling as His children, that our Father might call us what he calls His Son—“my beloved . . . in whom I am well pleased.”
Visit the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology website[17] to listen to an audio recording of this reflection from Dr. Scott Hahn and to subscribe to receive his Sunday Mass Reflections via email. We encourage you to support his work.
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