by Jeffrey Essmann | April 2, 2019 8:18 pm
If you’re interested in having your poetry considered for the Catholic Poetry Room at, please e-mail your submission to Jeffrey Essmann, the Room’s editor, at after reviewing the guidelines below. Include your name, website and, if the poem has been previously published, the name of the publication where it first appeared.
Please read other poems in the Catholic Poetry Room[1] to get a feel for whether your poetry is a good fit.
Frequency: We publish 52 poems each year; one per week on the Catholic Poetry Room page.
Audience: Primarily Catholics, many of whom are new to poetry. Typical of contemporary readers, many may not have read any poetry since high school. As you consider poems that might be appropriate for the site, consider them through the eyes of someone fairly new to poetry. It’s fine for a poem to be formally or thematically challenging, but it should always, ultimately, be accessible.
Guidelines: We accept up to five poems per submission, both new and previously-published poetry, and are looking for poems that show a strong connection between faith and everyday life, break open Scripture in a new way for the reader, or poems in which the religious content may be oblique but the poem itself is a sacramental. We welcome a wide range of poetic forms, from formal and free verse to ekphrastics, and are looking in general for a sense of heightened language, effective imagery, and an honest expression of the author’s spiritual journey. We prefer work whose religious intent is carried more by imagery than sermonizing.
There’s no compensation for poetry published on the site. We will include a 200-word bio with a link to your website. If the poem was previously published, we will gladly include attribution of its initial publication.
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