by Deacon Michael Bickerstaff | March 8, 2018 12:03 am
“He alone loves the Creator perfectly who manifests a pure love for his neighbor” (St. Bede the Venerable).
Who is our neighbor? Do we even know our neighbor?
In both urban and suburban living, it is clear that we know less about our neighbors than just a generation ago. Sociologists and others who study such things may have many theories and explanations, but here is a more personal and immediate question. Why do I not know the family living next door to me? Why have I not welcomed the folks who just moved in down the street?
Don’t we know that each of us is loved by God? He loves me. He loves them. How can I not do the same?
One of the objectives of our time in the wilderness is to think less of ourselves and more of others. Before Lent ends and Easter arrives, let’s go “out of our way” to share a smile, a hello, a simple acknowledgment with those God has placed in our presence. Look for opportunities… make them if necessary.
Remember, you are dust, and to dust you will return. Repent and believe in the Gospel.
Deacon Bickerstaff is available to speak at your parish or event. Be sure to check out his Speaker Page[2] to learn more. Into the Deep is a regular feature of the The Integrated Catholic Life™.
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