“The Calling of Matthew” (detail) – Caravaggio
As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax office; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he rose and followed him. (Matthew 9:9).
Today’s Gospel reading (Matthew 9:9-13) recounts the call of the Apostle Matthew by the Lord. I have often read this passage, much like I have read the call of the first disciples in John’s Gospel (John 1:35ff), as a personal invitation directed to me; and, of course, directed to each person who encounters Christ in His Word.
Matthew rose up, without hesitation, and followed Jesus. That is what an invitation from the Lord is intended to provoke: a conversion—movement away from sin and to God. The Lord’s invitation is always accompanied by sufficient grace for us to respond. He continually invites us into His love and life.
Will you rise and follow Jesus?