“The Charity of St. Martin” (detail) by Louis Anselme Longa
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35).
As Jesus loves us, we are to love one another. After three years of public ministry in the company of his apostles, Jesus emphasizes the necessity of love. Here, then, is another condition of discipleship set out by the Lord.
We all know those special people we have been blessed to know. People who others always describe as “willing to give you the shirt of his back” or “she’s always willing to lend a helping hand.” I have found that most people I know are fascinated and inspired by stories about people who help others. We must greatly admire them to be so edified. I wonder if we don’t see in them the qualities we would like to see in ourselves?
Jesus desires that we live our lives looking outwardly, beyond self, being shining lights reflecting the love of God for each of us. Ask the Lord for the grace to keep this new commandment and share the love we have received from God.
Look at all Jesus did because of his love for us.
Can we not simply offer a smile, say hello, wave to passers-by, listen more than you speak, offer assistance to those in need, spend an extra moment instead of being in such a rush, make a sacrifice for others? Surely we can!
How many times today Lord, have I had the opportunity to manifest your love?
Christ is risen!