“Shrine of the Nativity in Bethlehem” by David Roberts
“Lord, you have been our refuge through all generations. Before the mountains were born, the earth and the world brought forth, from eternity to eternity you are God.” (Psalm 90:1-2).
From eternity to eternity… Christmas Day fast approaches in just a few days. Still for many people there are many things left undone that shout for our attention. The question for us is twofold: “What things and how will we respond?”
The decorations, the gift-buying and wrapping, the house cleaning and cooking—these might all be calling out and pressing in. And these are not bad things, as long as they do not become the primary focus of the holiday and rob us of peace. But, there are other things that need our attention.
Before there was creation, God is. He is constant and in Him there can be no change. He is our rock. His love for us and our faith in Him—His gift to us—is the one sure thing in our life.
The grace Our God offers to us through the Divine Infant makes all things new and everything possible—this is the source of our inner strength. Jesus Christ enables us to perform works that both please God and conform us to His Image.
Made in His image and likeness, let us take time in the remaining days of Advent to make sure that our higher, inner qualities are getting our attention… prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance; love, compassion, fidelity, honor, integrity, dependability, kindness, piety, humility, purity, chastity, courage, and gratefulness.