by Deacon Michael Bickerstaff | December 6, 2016 12:05 am
“The Prophet Isaiah” (detail) by Michelangelo
“Let the clouds rain down the Just One, and the earth bring forth a Savior…” (cf. Isaiah 45:8)
I am encouraged by the number of people who by their service to others demonstrate their faith this Advent season. Their spoken love of Jesus is backed up by their solidarity with those around them who are less fortunate and in need. Their example challenges me to surrender more fully to Christ and become a better servant.
Solidarity is more than an emotional connection to someone in need. It is more than pity. It is more than simply feeling bad for the person in need. It is a connection with another that is so deep and familial, that it compels a response to help the person in need.
This is so Christ-like! When we are moved to help our brothers and sisters because of our love of Christ, we become Christ-like to others. We do the mission He sends us to do.
Isaiah prophesied over 2,500 years ago about the coming of the Messiah as God among us. Today, by our words and our actions, we anticipate His return.
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