by Deacon Michael Bickerstaff | November 29, 2016 12:05 am
“Christ at 33” (detail) by Hofmann
The Lord wants to enter into your heart and be with you… yes, YOU! He stands at the door and knocks. Will you open up and let Him in?
Jesus wants to be in relation with you more than you can ever want to be in relation with Him. So, when I think of all those times that I wanted to enter more deeply into His friendship… and failed, I have to wonder why… why?
The answer is simple. Too often we think we have to do it all, when what we really need to do is to simply remove the obstacles that keep us from opening the door. When we think of John the Baptist as, “a voice crying in the wilderness: prepare a way for the Lord, make straight the paths of our God…” we think of his preparing the way for Christ to come and proclaim the kingdom nearly two thousand years ago. And that is true, but Jesus wants to proclaim His Kingdom within our hearts in our time… today… this Advent season…
Will you open your heart to Jesus today? Will you prepare a way for the Lord to come to you? Will you make straight His paths in your life? Jesus is waiting to perform a miracle of love with and for you. Open up and let Him in.
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