Daily Catholic Quote — from St. Gregory the Great

by ICL Editor | September 3, 2016 12:02 am

"St. Gregory" (detail) by Matthias Stom[1]

“St. Gregory” (detail) by Matthias Stom

“Be not anxious about what you have, but about what you are.”  (Pope St. Gregory the Great, Doctor of the Church)

The Memorial of Pope St. Gregory the Great, Doctor of the Church (A.D. 540 – 604) is September 3.

  1. [Image]: http://www.integratedcatholiclife.org/wp-content/uploads/st-gregory-the-great-matthias-stom-detail-featured-w740x493.jpg

Source URL: https://integratedcatholiclife.org/2016/09/daily-catholic-quote-from-st-gregory-the-great-8/