St. Peter’s Basilica at Early Morning | Creative Commons License (cropped to size)
Photography by Andreas Tille
“Respect and love ought to be extended also to those who think or act differently than we do in social, political and even religious matters. In fact, the more deeply we come to understand their ways of thinking through such courtesy and love, the more easily will we be able to enter into dialogue with them.
“This love and good will, to be sure, must in no way render us indifferent to truth and goodness. Indeed love itself impels the disciples of Christ to speak the saving truth to all men. But it is necessary to distinguish between error, which always merits repudiation, and the person in error, who never loses the dignity of being a person even when he is flawed by false or inadequate religious notions…” (Gaudium et spes #28, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Second Vatican Council, 1965)