by Steven Jonathan Rummelsburg | September 30, 2014 12:01 am
“Sacred Heart of Jesus” (detail) by Chambers
“It is my most fervent wish and my most heartfelt prayer that some of those who read this missive may join many of my friends and me this Friday, October 3rd at Holy Mass to begin a serious and solemn devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I implore all of you to follow through with this devotion faithfully for the next consecutive nine months.” – Steven Jonathan Rummelsburg
As a small child, Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, 1647-1690, preferred prayer and contemplation over childish play, owing perhaps to the extraordinary virtue of her parents. However, she had heavy burdens from her earliest years. She lost her father to pneumonia when she was only eight years old. After her father died she was sent to the Urbanist sisters where the order and peace of soul ushered in by the convent life swept her up into her devotions. From early on she took great comfort and consolation in the Blessed Sacrament. She impressed her order of nuns by her faithfulness so much that she was invited to make her First Holy Communion when she was nine years old.
When Saint Margaret Mary was eleven years old she suffered paralysis from rheumatic fever that lasted four years. She embraced her suffering by way of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. She began to be gifted with visions for her faithful devotion. She was healed from her rheumatic fever and the accompanying infirmities by a vision of Holy Mother Mary, who impelled her to devote her life to God, which she did with unusual fervor.
As an additional consolation for her devotion to Christ’s Sacred Heart, Saint Margaret Mary received visions from the Savior, one of which was of His scourging. This prompted her to her final vows in 1672. Christ revealed many more visions to Mary Margaret during her devotions and one by saying to her: “Look at this heart which has loved people so much, and yet they do not want to love me in return. Through you, My divine Heart wishes to spread its love everywhere on earth.” Jesus proceeded to make many promises to her and to all those who honor His Sacred Heart as she had. We have passed onto us from the writings of St. Margaret Mary Alocoque twelve of the most powerful promises Christ reveals to her in consequence of a particular devotion to which we are all invited.
The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus consists primarily of attending Holy Mass for nine consecutive first Fridays for nine consecutive months. This devotion must be carried out with great love for Jesus and in reparation for those souls who reject Him. Friday is a day chosen by Christ Himself and those committed to this holy devotion must partake of the Blessed Sacrament. All those choosing to partake in the devotion are reminded that Christ does not release us from our holy obligations and that we must practice our devotions with an increased vigilance. Christ’s sacred promises grant abundant graces to His faithful to overcome the temptations hindering the efforts to persevere to the final end in a state of grace.
St. Margaret Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus
This list of twelve promises does not comprise all of the promises Christ made to Saint Margaret Mary concerning the devotion to His Sacred Heart. These are the twelve promises most likely to draw faithful souls to this most worthy devotion. But still, the following are only a few of the many graces promised to those willing to offer up their broken hearts to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for nine consecutive first Fridays.
The grace of final repentance will end with our souls gazing on the face of God in beatitude for eternity. Let us follow the eternal wisdom of St. John the Baptist who commanded us to “Repent! For the Kingdom of God is at hand!” Let us begin to repent now and accept Christ’s offer of abundant graces by redoubling our efforts towards sanctity. Let us commit our whole hearts to the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Then let us cooperate as fully as is humanly possible in order that the divine graces promised by the embrace of this most Holy Devotion are properly used to their maximum effect.
It would take but one hundred good souls faithfully committed to the next nine months of first Friday devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and we would have a spiritual revolution whose final end would be to colonize heaven. With one hundred faithful souls across the globe we could allow God to use us to weave a web of Faith unifying vast and disparate places by the divine wealth gained for the edification of the spiritual economy. We would amass enough graces to cleanse entire communities, to bring peace to abundant homes, and to soothe uncountable restless hearts, all the while gaining many new citizens for the City of God.
It is my most fervent wish and my most heartfelt prayer that some of those who read this missive may join many of my friends and me this Friday, October 3rd at Holy Mass to begin a serious and solemn devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I implore all of you to follow through with this devotion faithfully for the next consecutive nine months. Combine this devotion with contrite reconciliation within eight days, either before or after, of the Friday devotion. Also, combine all this with daily prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father and we guarantee ourselves a most profitable outcome. Let us all come together as the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church by this holy devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and colonize heaven as we have been commanded.
May Christ’s peace be with all men of good will!
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