by ICL Editor | March 23, 2014 7:30 am
Venerable Fulton J. Sheen
God could not keep, as it were, the secret of His Love — and the telling of it was Creation. Love overflowed. Eternity moved and said to time: “Begin.” Omnipotence moved and said to nothingness: “Be.” Light moved and said to darkness: “Be light.” Out from the fingertips of God there tumbled planets and worlds. Stars were thrown into their orbits and the spheres into space. Orbs and brotherhoods of orbs began to fill the heavens. The great march of the world began, in which planet passes by planet and sphere by sphere, without ever a hitch or a halt. In that long procession of the unfolding of the Creative Power of God, there came first, matter; then palpitating life, and the Paradise of Creation with its fourfold rivers flowing through all lands rich with gold and onyx; and finally those creatures made not by aFiat but by a Council of the Trinity — the first man and woman. (Venerable Fulton Sheen, The Divine Romance)
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