Daily Catholic Quote from Blessed John Paul II

by ICL Editor | March 26, 2014 7:30 am

Blessed John Paul II[1]

Blessed John Paul II

“If an ear is to grow or a flower blossom, there are times which cannot be forced; for the birth of a human being, nine months are required; to write a book or a worthy piece of music, years must often be spent in patient searching. This is also the law of the spirit… To encounter the mystery takes patience, inner purification, silence and waiting.” (Blessed John Paul II; General Audience, July 26, 2000)

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  1. [Image]: http://www.integratedcatholiclife.org/wp-content/uploads/pope-john-paul-ii-featured-w740x493.jpg

Source URL: https://integratedcatholiclife.org/2014/03/daily-catholic-quote-from-blessed-john-paul-ii-20/