by Kevin Lowry | February 11, 2013 12:01 am
“Sorry, I can’t do it tonight. The old ball and chain gets ticked off if I’m out late.”
How many times have we heard derogatory comments like this about spouses in the workplace? Even worse, snide remarks can give way to all-out whining: “My husband is such a jerk sometimes” or “My wife completely lost interest in me after we began having kids.”
Sacramental marriage should be in a different league than this, but we all live in a culture that hasn’t done the greatest job honoring the institution. In reality, we also know that even the strongest sacramental marriages sometimes go through serious challenges.
So what’s a good Catholic spouse to do?
Well, brace yourself for some good news. There are things we can do to honor our spouses in the workplace, and not be swayed by the cultural winds that sometime blow all around us. How about this one: always speak positively about your spouse at work. Why? Here are five reasons – and they just scratch the surface.
We can’t single-handedly change the state of marriage in the world, but we can do our best to honor our own marriage vows – and our spouse. Speaking positively about our spouse in the workplace is a great way to improve our marriage, our workplace, and our walk with Christ.
Kevin is the author of Faith at Work: Finding Purpose Beyond the Paycheck (OSV) which is available on Amazon and through his website, A Grateful Convert.
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