by Deacon Michael Bickerstaff | October 7, 2012 12:01 am
Have we forgotten? Each of us was first a thought in the mind of God, Who in His goodness created us in love and freedom. He created us to share eternity with Him in this life and in the life to come.
This call to communion with God is the very dignity of the human person.
We come alive at the moment of conception. Our life is a gift to us from God… He gave us new life and He sustains us in life.
God reveals His love for us in so many ways. I realized not too long ago that the more time we spend with God, the more likely we will notice His love.
We can even witness it, perhaps most especially, in the midst of loss. I am blessed in this life with two grandchildren (and counting). But, there is another grandchild who was miscarried between my oldest and youngest.
My daughter-in-law, Jenny, reflected on the consolation of God that allowed her to heal after the loss of her unborn child. First, God blessed and consoled Jenny through her first-born, Holden, whose love and innocence revealed the love of God and gave her strength to begin to heal. And then God blessed her in a wonderful way through the gift of her son, Oliver, whose happy presence completed Jenny’s healing.
One of the amazing things I have seen as a grandparent is witnessing life anew as I once did with my own children years ago… and seeing the love of a new parent for their child now as I first loved him then. This led me to think of my own parents, now long passed from this world. Across four generations, I can see the blessing that new life given by God is intended to bring to each of us. I am so grateful.
But, not everyone is open to new life. Many reject the life God sends to them.
Since Roe v. Wade in 1973, more than 50,000,000 (that’s fifty million) babies have been killed by induced abortion in the United Sates.
This total skyrockets when one adds in all the babies killed by pharmacological abortions – birth control and morning after drugs.
According to an August, 2011 “fact sheet” put out by the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, “twenty-two percent of all pregnancies (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion.”
How is it possible that we live in a place and time where it is acceptable for mothers and fathers to kill their children in such great numbers, when these children are most vulnerable and in the womb where they should be most protected?
The United States has undoubtedly been blessed by God at different times during its history. Those blessings will continue for those who love and obey the Lord. But, God will not continue to bless a people who have allowed abortion holocaust to happen and persist. Nearly a quarter of all babies conceived in the United States will be killed by induced abortion. The recently held Democratic National Convention was a virtual celebration of abortion and drugs intended to reject God’s gift and blessing of new human life.
Again, how is it possible that we have reached this point? And what can I do to make a difference? Maybe these suggestions might help you answer that question.
Into the deep…
Deacon Mike Bickerstaff is the Editor in chief and co-founder of the The Integrated Catholic Life™. A Catholic Deacon of the Roman Rite for the Archdiocese of Atlanta, Deacon Bickerstaff is assigned to St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church where he is the Director of Adult Education and Evangelization.
He is a co-founder of the successful annual Atlanta Catholic Business Conference; the Chaplain of the Atlanta Chapter of the Woodstock Theological Center’s Business Conference; and Chaplains to the St. Peter Chanel Business Association and co-founder of the Marriages Are Covenants Ministry, both of which serve as models for similar parish-based ministries.
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