Fr. Dwight Longenecker is launching a newsletter that will provide short, practical advice on living the Integrated Catholic Life™. – The Editors

Father Dwight Longenecker
Someone has said, “The longest journey is from the head to the heart.” I’ve often added, “It’s an even longer journey from the head to the heart to the hands!” In other words, it takes a long time for what we know in our head about God to get down to the heart level, and it takes an even longer time for the message to be worked out in our ordinary day to day lives.
As a convert to the Catholic faith I have sometimes been taken aback at the large numbers of Catholics who attend Mass, but don’t seem to make the connection between what goes on in church and their ordinary life. We believe the right doctrines and we understand the teachings of the Church, but too often we lack the skills to put it all into action.
Integrated Catholic Life™ is a wonderful resource to do just that. With contributions from many writers from different backgrounds the readers of ICL are given the tools to lead practical, joyful and dynamic Catholic lives. Why is this so important?
It’s important because our society is more hungry for examples of a real, solid and positive Catholic faith than ever before. At every level of society and in every walk of life we need informed and energetic Catholics showing a new way for us to live together. We need to proclaim the gospel with our words and works every day of our lives.
This is why I have started a simple, punchy, weekly newsletter called Faith Works. The title says it all: the Catholic faith really does work! The teachings of the Church are not all theoretical. Within the practice of prayer and study, within a life of service and sacraments the power of Christ’s resurrection really can be at work in your life.
If you are a reader of Integrated Catholic Life™, I encourage you to sign up for this free newsletter. You will not be pressured to buy anything or do anything except to live the abundant life that Christ promises. The sign up form is below, and it will be a regular feature here at ICL in the future.
Remember Faith Works! Sign up to get the input you need to draw closer to Christ and do his work in the world.
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Fr. Dwight Longenecker is the author of “Listen My Son” – a commentary on the Rule of St Benedict for families. Visit Fr. Dwight’s website to buy a copy here.
Fr. Dwight Longenecker is the parish priest of Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Greenville, South Carolina. He is author of thirteen books on the Catholic faith. Praying the Rosary for Inner Healing is available in Catholic bookshops and through his website:
Visit Fr. Longenecker on Facebook:
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