Jeff Cavins
Randy and I are very happy to welcome Jeff Cavins as the newest contributing writer for The Integrated Catholic Life. His first article at ICL, Don’t Discount God in Advent, appeared earlier this week.
Jeff comes to ICL as no stranger to you. He is a nationally known public speaker whose engaging style of teaching has helped hundreds of thousands of Catholics grasp a better understanding of the Catholic faith and the scriptures. Jeff has hosted the live TV program, “My Life on the Rock” on EWTN and daily radio program, “Morning Air” on Relevant Radio. He has written several books published through Ascension Press and is currently the President of the Great Adventure Company and the Director of the Archbishop Harry J. Flynn Catechetical Institute based at the St. Paul Seminary.
I have gotten to know and work with Jeff over the past 5 years as he has made numerous trips to Atlanta for the St. Peter Chanel Major Speakers Series where he has presented the Great Adventure Bible Timeline Seminar and led other conferences presenting the various components of the Great Adventure bible study series. We most recently worked together for the 2011 National Catholic Bible Conference. His bible study programs and seminars are welcomed in parishes all across the U.S.
He and his wife Emily also lead tours and pilgrimages to Israel and the Holy Land, Rome, Assisi, Greece and Turkey, among other destinations.
I strongly encourage you to look to Jeff for your next parish bible study conference or program.
Jeff received his MA in Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville with Catechetical Certification. Prior to that, Jeff received a BA with honors in Humanities from Antioch University, Yellow Springs, Ohio and then went on to receive Bible training from Christ for the Nations Institute, Dallas, Texas and the Institute of Ministry, Bradenton, Florida. Cavins also graduated from Brown Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota, a school for radio and television broadcasting.
He is recognized both nationally and internationally as an exciting public speaker who has a deep love for Jesus Christ and who communicates his zeal with clarity and enthusiasm. After twelve years as a Protestant pastor, Jeff returned to the Catholic Church under the guidance of Bishop Paul Dudley. The story of Jeff’s return to the Catholic Church is available in his autobiography, My Life on the Rock.
Jeff and Emily reside in Minnesota. They have three daughters, Carly, Jacqueline, and Antonia.
Visit Jeff Cavins on the internet at jeffcavins.com, facebook.com/simplyjeffcavins and twitter.com/jeffcavins.
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