Randy Hain
Many of you have come to know Randy Hain through his articles here on the Integrated Catholic Life™. Now you can hear his story of conversion to the Catholic Church when he is interviewed by Marcus Grodi on The Journey Home which will air on EWTN Television on Monday evening, December 26th at 8:00 p.m. There will be an encore showing at 9:00 a.m. EST on Tuesday, December 27th.
I have been blessed to know Randy since his days as a candidate in RCIA. A strong friendship has grown from those early encounters and we are now collaborators in various ministries and in this new media apostolate of ICL. In my capacity as Editor in chief at The Integrated Catholic Life™, and through my experience of working with Randy, I have come to respect and appreciate his many qualities and talents.
Now you have an opportunity to “meet” Randy on camera and come to better know him.
We all love conversion stories and I am certain you will enjoy Randy’s. I encourage you to tune in Monday night.
The following is the press release from Liguori Publications.
From a Compartmentalized Life to a Life for Christ…
Business Executive and Author Randy Hain Will Discuss His Conversion Experience and Its Impact on His Life and Work with Marcus Grodi of EWTN’s “The Journey Home”
Interview to Air Monday, Dec. 26, at 8 pm EST
Liguori, MO (December, 2011) – From the time Randy Hain stopped attending the Baptist Church as a teenager until his decision 20 years later to join the Catholic Church, he led a compartmentalized life, focusing on career and family with no time for faith. The 2005 convert, business executive, and author will discuss his path to the Catholic Church on EWTN’s “The Journey Home” with Marcus Grodi, Dec. 26, at 8 pm EST.
As a new convert, Hain was immediately faced with the challenge of ridding himself of the compartmentalized life he had been living and embracing a Christ-centered life that integrated his faith with work. “While doing that, I found out that this was not just my problem, but a problem for many,” said Randy. “I’ve met scores of people in business whose notion of being Catholic at work means leading a Bible study over the lunch hour or evangelizing coworkers. It rarely occurs to us to think about our own faith journeys as an example we could set for others.”
Hain incorporated the lessons he learned in his book, The Catholic Briefcase: Tools for Integrating Faith and Work (Liguori Publications, 2011). Its premise is that working Catholics must make Christ the center of their lives, including their work lives, if they are to emanate the love of Christ in their daily actions and decisions.
In the book, Hain offers advice on finding time in the workday for prayer and reflection, creating better working relationships through more empathetic communication, making business decisions through the lens of faith, becoming good stewards of our gifts in the workplace, and leading by example. He points out that small steps each day eventually create profound personal change, causing us to radiate Christ’s love. “Never forget that we are all made for heaven…” writes Randy, “and the journey leads through the workplace.”
Randy Hain of Atlanta, GA is a business executive and devoted family man. He is also the senior editor and co-founder of The Integrated Catholic Life™ eMagazine.
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