We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Hallie Lord has joined the growing list of Contributing Writers for the Integrated Catholic Life.

Hallie Lord
Hallie Lord is a homeschooling mother of five young children who grew up in Northern California but now finds herself happily nestled in the Deep South.
She left her career in marketing to focus on her family, and is now a part-time freelance writer. After growing up in a secular environment, surrounded by the modern feminist movement, Hallie has a special passion for sharing the beauty of the Church’s teaching on the vocation of marriage and authentic womanhood.
Her style ranges from light, humorous pieces on romance or fashion, to more serious reflections on modern marriage or the value of modesty.
She has written for This Rock, Catholic Exchange, and Fathers for Good, and has been a guest on multiple podcasts. She is also a regular contributor to Faith & Family Live! and her blog, Betty Beguiles, draws thousands of readers from all over the world each month.
Hallie enjoys interacting with the lively community her blog attracts, and hopes her writing might be a source of inspiration to others.