by Randy Hain | July 26, 2010 11:00 am
Our behavior will be the proving ground of our deepest convictions. This firmness in the Faith is often an excellent testimony to the beliefs of the Christian. In some cases it can cause people to begin their return to the House of the Father. – Francis Fernandez (In Conversation with God)
[1]A few weeks ago I had lunch with one of my new clients, a senior human resources executive of an Atlanta based company. Our working partnership had been very business focused since the beginning and I wanted to forge a stronger personal connection which I enjoy with most of my other clients. We made small talk about a number of subjects until our food arrived. I said I was going to say a blessing over our meal and she was welcome to join me. As I made the Sign of the Cross and started to pray, I noticed that she also made the Sign of the Cross. I smiled to myself and said a quiet prayer of thanks for the opening I had been given.
Between bites of salad, I asked her which parish she attended. She gave me a funny look before responding with the name, then added “that’s a long story.” I told her I would love to hear it and for the next half hour we talked about her faith journey, how much she loved her parish, her devotion to the Blessed Mother and her prayer life. The awkward business focused exchange at the beginning of the meal had been replaced by a warm conversation about our shared Catholic faith. I certainly achieved my goal of a stronger personal connection!
As we were preparing to leave, she shared that she never spoke of her faith in business settings and really enjoyed our discussion. As we were leaving the restaurant, we speculated on why Catholics don’t discuss faith as openly as perhaps our Protestant brethren do. I suggested it may be fear of persecution or lack of confidence in defending the teachings of the Church. She suggested that it all came down to simple courage. I asked her to explain and her response was, “When you made the Sign of the Cross in a crowded restaurant and said the blessing for all to hear, I realized that I never do that. My fear of saying a simple blessing is a clear reminder to me that I don’t have the courage to share my faith outside of my comfort zone. I am grateful that you don’t have that issue and also for this wonderful conversation.”
Driving back to my office I reflected on countless other business meals over the last few years which had turned into faith discussions, perhaps because of the simple act of making the Sign of the Cross and blessing the meal. I don’t know if I see this as courageous as much as following the call of Christ and the teachings of our Church. It is certainly food for thought and worthy of careful reflection. What would happen if everyone who reads this makes a simple commitment to make the Sign of the Cross and say a blessing over every meal from now on, regardless of our companions? How many incredible discussions might occur as a result of this simple and public act of faith? I could easily argue the other side and share the possible negative outcomes, but can we truly live as faithful Catholics if we are paralyzed by fear? The answer, I believe, is in the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew 10:32-33: Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father. But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father.
Randy Hain, Senior Editor for The Integrated Catholic Life™, is the author of The Catholic Briefcase: Tools for Integrating Faith and Work which was recently released by Liguori Publications. The Catholic Briefcase[2] is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble online and your local Catholic bookstore.
The Catholic Briefcase was recently selected as a Finalist in the Catholicism Reader’s Choice Awards for the Book of the Year for 2011. You can vote for The Catholic Briefcase here: Catholicism Reader’s Choice Awards
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