Meet Contributing Writer – Patti Maguire Armstrong

by Deacon Michael Bickerstaff | June 2, 2010 6:01 pm

We are excited to announce another contributing writer – Patti Maguire Armstrong. Patti will be contributing articles to the Integrated Catholic Life eMagazine with a focus on faith and family.

From living a life that ignored Catholic teachings to becoming a Catholic writer and speaker, Patti Maguire Armstrong was transformed after she began to learn and embrace her Catholic faith.   She lives in North Dakota with her husband Mark. They are the parents of ten children, eight boys and two girls, including two adopted AIDS orphans from Kenya.

Patti has degrees in social work and psychology and a master’s in public administration.  She worked in these fields before staying home full-time to raise her children.

Writing began as her hobby.  As a freelance writer, Patti has published more than 400 articles for both secular and religious publications. She has authored 8 books, including: Dear God, I don’t get it! (Bezalel Books[1]), Catholic Truths for Our Children (Scepter Publishers) as a guide to help parents pass on their Catholic faith, and served as the managing editor and co-author of the Catholic best-selling Amazing Grace book series (Ascension Press).

Patti has been a guest on EWTN Television’s “Live” program with Father Mitch Pacwa and twice on Doug Keck’s “Bookmark” program and on Catholic Radio programs around the country.

  1. Bezalel Books:

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