by Randy Hain | June 9, 2010 8:24 pm
Educational Consultant James Stenson provides a practical list of advice for fathers that all men should read. He[1] keeps it simple, but covers every aspect of being a good father I could envision. Stenson has long written on family related topics and he is an acknowledged expert. I encourage you to read and share this with others. Please comment below on your views of the article.
Advice for Fathers
By James Stenson
Sometimes negative guidelines are at least as helpful as positive ones, often more so. It’s often useful for a father to know what not to do — that is, what to avoid — in a complicated family situation.
I used to ask veteran fathers (men whose children had grown and gone) what warnings or other “negative know-how” they’d pass on to younger Dads. In paraphrase, here are some bits of hard-earned fatherly wisdom they shared with me….
To read the entire article, please click here.
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