by Randy Hain | June 30, 2010 1:00 pm
Family expert James Stenson has written an insightful article for the Catholic Education Resource Center that[1] connects a father’s leadership in the workplace to the leadership he shows at home. He warns of the dangers of leading two lives, the “producer” in the workplace and the “consumer” at home. I was drawn to this particular passage: “You are one person, not two. You are the same man, both on the job with your colleagues and at home with your family and friends. You cannot live two lives; you must be the same person in both spheres of responsible operation.” Does this strike a chord with you? Do we have a tendency at the end of a long work day to withdraw from our families and just want rest and recreation? Is that living a balanced life? Please read Stenson’s article and share your thoughts below.
A Father’s Unity of Life
By James Stenson
Let’s start off with a crucially important concept: unity of life.
You are one person, not two. You are the same man, both on the job with your colleagues and at home with your family and friends. You cannot live two lives; you must be the same person in both spheres of responsible operation.
Men who are weak and ineffective fathers tend to split their lives between work and family. That is, they live as producers at work but consumers at home.
To read the full article, click here.
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