by Randy Hain | April 16, 2010 1:00 pm
Many of us have been concerned, frustrated and bewildered over the reported cases of abuse in the European Church and the reporting of this crisis in the media. The sexual abuse crisis is appalling and zero tolerance of this is the answer. Children must be protected. But, the unwarranted attacks on Pope Benedict XVI have exposed a heavy anti-Catholic bias in the mainstream media, but the facts are starting to come out. Pope Benedict has done more than any other Pope to correct abuses and protect children-do your homework and you will see the truth. We also must understand that the number of Priests involved is a tiny fraction of the countless good men who are doing God’s work all over the world. Priests deserve our prayers and support, as does Pope Benedict. Please read this insightful article from Fr. Roger Landry, the Pastor of St. Anthony of Padua Parish in New Bedford, MA. He is the Publisher of The Anchor and the Catholic Preaching website ([1]).
The Truth About Benedict and Abuse in the Church
By Father Roger Landry
Today is Pope Benedict’s 83rd birthday. The last few weeks have likely seemed for him as long as years, but some semblance of sanity seems to be returning, at least among those who take an honest look at facts and then draw conclusions rather than draw conclusions and then look at facts.
As we have been stressing in these pages, to defend Pope Benedict is not to deny that the double-evil of the sexual abuse of minors and the lack of a prompt, thorough and fully Christian response by Church leaders, occurred. These evils did occur, but the cause of justice is not advanced by trying to pretend that the fundamental blame for them…
Read the full article by clicking here.
Also, check out a new ministry called[2]
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