by Deacon Michael Bickerstaff | April 6, 2010 12:30 am
It is inspiring and fascinating to follow the daily Mass readings this Easter Week and watch the reactions of the disciples and friends of Jesus who are coming to grips with His Crucifixion. And then at what appears to be the depths of darkness, the Light of the Resurrected Christ pushes back the darkness as did His Incarnation.
With so much attention necessarily focused on our own faith journey through Lent, we came to an increased awareness of our participation in His Passion and Death. Each of us, so to speak, took a turn hammering the nails through His body. But with the Resurrection, we should also come to an increased awareness of the great blessings showered on us by the Good God and so be moved to give Him thanks and praise.
A truly thankful person will also be moved to a greater love of the Savior and His Blessed Mother (for her fiat brought Jesus to us) and so we should be moved to a greater committment to serve Him in humility and fidelity.
Jesus loves each of us so much that I believe if I had been the only one needing to be redeemed, He would have died for me as He did for all. Coming to this realization, I am moved to tears of joy for His love. So I asked myself this morning, what is it that He is calling me to do at this Easter moment. Deeper prayer and Communion for sure, but I feel moved to be Christ to others. Now, I have thought on this point before – I have heard sermons on this in the past… but this day, having come through the Lenten season and the Triduum into Easter, I feel a particular solidarity with those I know the Lord intends to place in my life each day; those He has given to me to serve. And so with a prayerful spirit I have asked Him to show me those in need and to give me the courage to be Christ to them.
Certain thoughts come immediately to mind. I have neglected spending time with those who are dying at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cancer Home. I know the Lord wants me to return there regularly to be present to those who suffer so much. I am also committed to visiting and serving at the Atlanta Union Mission more frequently. But I also am aware that there are many the Lord places in front of me in the ordinary happenings of my daily life: strangers, friends, family. So those too I ask to not overlook.
I invite you to share your Lenten and Easter experiences with us, what insights and promptings of the Spirit to help build up one another in faith, hope and love have you been shown in this sared time?
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