by Randy Hain | April 9, 2010 1:00 pm
Check out Amy Wellborn’s excellent review of the 5 years of Pope Benedict XVI’s pontificate and his frequent outreach to young people around the world. She clearly captures the Pontif’s passion for energizing young people and young adults in to having a deeper faith and stronger connection to the teachings of the Church.
[1]A Pope’s Invitation to Youth
By Amy Wellborn
Ministering to teens and young adults is challenging. Often they can be the most enthusiastic members of the Body of Christ, but the question persists: How can the Church keep them interested and present the faith in an engaging way that does not dilute the truth?
As is the case with so many elements of Catholic life, Pope Benedict XVI provides an excellent example to follow. It might surprise some that the 83-year-old pontiff is able to reach a generation that is engrossed with iPods, social networking and the latest trends. Nonetheless, the Holy Father has often spoken to young people — both teens and young adults — during his five-year papacy.
To read the full article, click here.
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