by Deacon Michael Bickerstaff | March 27, 2010 7:54 pm
We are pleased to announce that Ms. Katie Peterson will be a contributing writer to the “Today’s Catholic – Young Adults” category on The Integrated Catholic Life.
Katie is the Communications Manager at Catholics Come Home, Inc. and VirtueMedia, Inc. She has spoken at pro-life, Catholic and secular venues on topics ranging from media and the culture of life to evangelization in the 21st century, in addition to a variety of apologetics and theological topics. Since her youth, her passion has always been to use her speaking and writing skills to serve the evangelization mission of the Church.
Katie currently works for Catholics Come Home, a national Catholic evangelism apostolate working to invite fallen-away Catholics and non-Catholics home to the Catholic Church. She also works for Virtue Media, a national pro-life apostolate that has helped save thousands of babies and mothers from abortion in the past decade, through compassionate and educational sanctity of life television commercials.
She helps lead St. Peter Chanel’s growing Young Adult Ministry and occasionally gives talks at retreats, RCIA classes, and other ministry events in the parish. Upon completion of her degree in Communication and Professional Writing, Katie will study in the Evangelization and Catechesis graduate program at the Augustine Institute in Denver, Colorado. Katie plans to devote her life’s work entirely to Jesus, His Church, evangelization, and the sanctity of human life.
We look forward to her contributions!
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