by Deacon Michael Bickerstaff | March 28, 2010 3:12 pm
With Palm Sunday, we entered into Holy Week for 2010. There is so much awaiting us, if we will but accept the invitation of Christ. Maybe you noticed at Mass on Palm Sunday, you were greeted by the priest from the back of the church and then the Deacon proclaimed the account of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. But how quickly the focus shifted from triumph to the Passion of Our Lord. Why?
The Church wants us to understand what it is that Christ wants us to accept. We come before him seeking happiness in the elimination of our earthly sufferings and trials, yet He offers us the Cross. He offers us the life He has lived. How fickle we can be! We have no real idea what it is we want, so we behave as if we are adrift in a violent river current, going this way and that. We have lost sight of who we are and thus we don’t know what we are to do.
As we begin this week, let us pray for the grace to be authentic, that is, for the grace to be who God has created us to be. Let us accept the wisdom of the Cross and its infinite love. In such a humble prayer, we will find meaning, joy and true freedom… we will find life and have it abundantly.
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